
The GOODS playlist: Sunday October 8 2006

This week, Andy is joined by Los Angeles music men Tom Noble (Lotusland Records) and Danny Holloway (Dublab).

Andy Williams on the 1's & 2's

1. Herbie Hancock - Death Wish
2. Archie Shepp - Blues for Brother George
3. Mark Murphy - On the Red Clay
4. Archie Shepp - Down in Brazil
5. Charlie Ross - I'm Free

Danny Holloway Steps Up to the plates

6. Prince Hammer - Dreadlock Inn
7. Big Youth -Spankin' Rankin'
8. Ranking Dawn - Pass the Chalice
9. Paul McCartney - Check my Machine

Tom Noble Tags!

10. Johnny and the Mann - Sounds of Malibu
11. Leon Davis - I think they call it Love
12. Majestics - Key to Love
13. Viva Brasil - Skindo LeLe
14. Jordi Sabates - Untitled

Andy Slips back in...

15. Turner Bros. - Cause i love you
16. Max Roach - Abstrutions
17. Chase - Hades
18. Gary Bartz - Juju Man
19. Brass Ring - Ain't no sunshine
20.Leon Davis - Let it show

P.S. We missed you Scott...

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